Welcome to Fuse!
We are so excited to meet your tweens!
This age is often called a “phase,” and well it is. This is a crucial time where students are coming into their decision-making faculties and easily impressed upon. They are drawing life-long conclusions that can stay with them forever. They are incredibly smart and processing everything. Their moral rudder needs to be developed to ensure their ship is sailing in the right direction.
Fuse is designed to ground students in their faith in the living person of Jesus and the Bible. In this class we desire to solidify the belief system of pre-teens to prepare them for adulthood. The more truth they learn at a young age, the more empowered they will be to make right decisions when they are older. This class aims to teach scripture through repetition combined with real life skills which equals wisdom.
A biblical topic is taught each month through the eyes of four talented, creative teachers. The teachings are enhanced with and made relevant through videos, power points, object lessons, and open discussion. It is our joy to answer their biblical questions, introduce them to Christian friends, and support them in their journey toward adulthood and redemption in Christ.
This class is offered during the 9:30am & 11am services after the music set. Please sit together as a family during the song service, and afterward, release your children to go to class for the duration of the service.
In the Fuse Room which is on the right-hand side of the North Wing toward the Parent Nursery.